Open doors to a dynamic network, fostering collective leadership

Make the most of SEAP’s extensive member network and fast-track your business and leadership journey

Reimagine collaborative leadership that thrives on shared responsibilities

Discover avenues for talent growth and development

Keep up with government alerts and notifications for better administration

Network and brainstorm on best practices across HR, finance, marketing, engineering, product, and other organizational functions.

Learn from SEAP mentors and industry leaders about various strategies and business success

Stay current on Pune city, IT industry environment, real estate, and best practices

SEAP Membership Tiers

Primary Members

Who is it for?
IT/ ITES Companies

What’s in it for you?

  • Discuss the most pressing issues and challenges that software companies in Pune face
  • Interact with leaders of technology companies in Pune by attending and organizing C-level events, leadership programs, Industry-Government meetings, sharing of best practices, and collaboration on shared interests.
  • Present a united front in dealing with local, state, and national organizations and governments to reduce obstacles in day-to-day operations and influence policy changes to promote growth in Pune.

Primary Membership Fees (April to March)

  • One time entry fee: INR 5,000 + GST
  • Less than 2 cr : INR 10,000 + GST
  • Above 2 cr & less than 10 cr: INR 15,000 + GST
  • Above 10 cr & less than 75 cr: INR 30,000 + GST
  • Above 75 cr & less than 200 cr: INR 50,000 + GST
  • Above 200 cr : INR 75,000 + GST

Associate Members

Who is it for?
Associates of IT/ITES companies

What’s in it for you?

  • Participate in conversations with decision-makers of SEAP member companies (CEOs/MDs/Heads/CIOs).
  • List your company’s information on the SEAP website
  • Present your offerings and plans to the corporate members of SEAP.
  • Attend SEAP events to network with SEAP member companies

Associate Membership (April to March)

  • One time entry fee: INR 5,000 + GST
  • INR 30,000 + GST

Individual Members

Individual Membership (April to March)

  • One time entry fee: INR 5,000 + GST
  • INR 10,000 + GST

Join SEAP today

and be a driving force in Pune's tech evolution!

SEAP Members

How do I become a SEAP member?

  • 01.

    Reach out to SEAP by filling out the membership form.

  • 02.

    Share company details, stakeholders, and contact information.

  • 03.

    Process payment for fees

  • 04.

    Be a part of SEAP!

  • 05.

    Receive a welcome email and get added to WhatsApp CXO and member group

Become a SEAP member today!

Membership Form

    Please prove you are human by selecting the tree.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the duration of a SEAP membership?

    SEAP membership is valid for one year and runs from April until March.

    What is the typical processing time for applications?

    The standard processing time for SEAP membership applications is 2-3 weeks, but usually differs from organization to organization.

    What documentation does SEAP need for membership?

    Once you have filled out the membership form, we validate the data and share a Proforma Invoice generated by our accounts team. Once your payment has been processed, you will receive a tax invoice, and the further onboarding process will be completed, including adding to the membership database and WhatsApp groups.

    If the parent company is registered as a member, does this registration extend to include its subsidiaries as members as well?

    The SEAP membership of a parent company does not extend to its subsidiaries.

    How do I renew my SEAP membership?

    SEAP membership renewal is done on a yearly basis. Once the membership period is over, you’ll receive the pro forma invoice for the next year. Optionally, you can write to us at and we will get in touch about membership renewal.

    Can I transfer my SEAP membership to another company or individual?

    The SEAP membership can’t be transferred to another company or individual.

    Does SEAP offer a trial or demo membership option?

    SEAP membership doesn’t include a trial or demo option.